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frequently asked questions


Yes. Yoga is for everyone.

The bigger question is if your teacher is right for everyone? A properly trained yoga instructor should have the knowledge to teach all body shapes, levels of experience and ages.

If you have special needs, for example you are pregnant, you will want to search for a teacher that is certified to teach for your special requirements. Make sure you ask the questions that fulfill your needs as you are ultimately your best teacher. You will know if the person you choose to guide you through your journey of yoga is right for you.

Ask, listen and make your choice.

No, you do not.

But, in the traditional 8 Fold Path of Ashtanga Yoga “Ahimsa” or non violence to all sentient beings is a part of the practice and should be taken into consideration once you start the journey into yoga.

Ayurveda is an amazing sister practice to yoga which promotes healthy lifestyle systems that do no include meat.

Many traditional yogi’s drank milk over rice as a staple to their dietary needs. Today that would be considered “lacto-vegetarian” and is an option for you to explore.

I recommend you consider your personal health needs, your blue print on the earth and your own belief system but you can still practice yoga if you eat meat.

Traditionally yoga was practiced just before the first light of day, at around 4 or 5 in the morning.
When we first wake the mind is free of clutter, and for this reason alone this old tradition makes sense. But in todays reality it may be impossible for some, we work later, have kids to rush off to school and busy schedules to juggle.

So the best time is anytime! Fitting in your practice whenever you can is better than not practicing at all.

If you are a morning person, practice when you first wake. If the only time you can practice is after the kids have gone off to school or after work, practice then.

Practice on an empty stomach and in a space where you won’t be bothered by the normal daily craze. Take a moment to clear your head of the clutter and move your body.

Yes. Yoga is definitely for you.

Most people are intimidated by social media pictures of gorgeous men and women doing beautiful poses that seem effortless. But in reality yoga is sweaty and poses are difficult for the majority of people in class, especially at first. 

We are all unique and have different physical abilities. Most people can’t even touch their toes in the first month of practice and have chronic pain. If you fall into this category then yoga is right for you. Do not be intimidated.

Yoga is not a competition, it is an personal journey to reach your individual goals. Move at your own pace, rest if you feel tired, challenge your mind and your body. 

Absolutely NOT.

Yoga is a philosophy based on the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali. 

The sutras state that yoga is  “The cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.” This philosophy dates back to c.4th century BCE.

While yoga has been associated with Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism displaying aspects of these religions in the practice. It is actually viewed as a science, a spiritual and physical practice. 

If done over a long period of time with consistency the effects are predictable. It is a comprehensive approach to holistic health and a tool for spiritual well being no matter what religion you practice. 

Sup yoga

While swimming isn’t a requirement, it is highly encouraged that you have at least basic swimming skills. 

Normally SUP yoga is done in waist deep water but we have to give ultimate respect to Mother Nature and her waters. With that being said, you are leashed to the safety of your board and life preservers are optional. 

If you have a fear of the water you will most likely not get the ultimate experience paddle boarding. If this is the case you should consider taking a swimming course prior to a SUP yoga class.

For an outdoor SUP yoga class there are several items you will want to bring with you.

  • A swim suit or comfortable workout clothes that can get wet
  • A towel for after you get out of the water
  • Water is always a must!
  • Sunblock especially if you are sensitive to the sun
  • A rash guard, this also helps protect you from the sun
  • Sun glasses and security band so you don’t lose them if they fall off
  • Hat
  • Water shoes
  • And a change of clothing for after the class

studio classes

Classes vary in length.

Most studio classes are typically 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes. Some studios may offer shorter (lunch break) classes, as well as full 3 hour masterclasses.

Private and virtual classes vary in length depending on your personal journey. You may wish to join a virtual group class or have private one on one instruction. I offer both and am always happy to help guide my students on the path that is right for them.  

An important thing to remember is that if you feel tired in class and need to stop you are always invited to take a rest or savasana (corpse pose) when you need to.


You will want to find a teacher who is certified to teach prenatal yoga. Please refer to “Can anyone do yoga?” 

There are certain concerns for your health and the health of your baby in each semester of pregnancy. There are some postures that are not recommended or that can have adverse affects. You must also consider your level of experience, consult with your doctor and your teacher before starting a practice. 

If you are menstruating it is not recommended to practice during the first few days of your cycle. Some consider it to be beneficial to avoid practice altogether during this time as it can worsen the blood flow. Everyone is different and you have to listen to your best teacher, You.

Personally, I avoid practice on the first day of my cycle and then continue to practice avoiding inversions for the remaining days.  However, I have a light flow. Again, everyone is different so listen to your body.

A great option during this time is to do restorative or yin yoga which can significantly help with cramping and lower back pain.

Always consult with your doctor and your teacher.

Being well hydrated is important especially if you are doing hot yoga.

It is recommended to practice yoga on an empty stomach. While we can see and feel our limbs, there are many postures in yoga that affect the internal organs that we do not see/or feel.  

The union between the body and the breath is the difference between yoga and exercise. Being well rested helps the mind keep focus on the breath.

Put on breathable, comfy clothes and get yourself to class!

If you are going to a studio class it will depend on what the studio provides.

A mat, towel and water are the most basic needs when coming to class. Most people prefer to use their own equipment.

To many people the mat becomes a special personal place wherever they roll it out. Whether it be in the studio, in their own home or outside in a park, it becomes a ritual to some. 

A towel is great to bring to class if the studio doesn’t provide them. We tend to sweat a lot in class as we detox the body through posture and breathing techniques. A towel can also serve as a prop to help you with a bind, to fold and prop a seated posture or to cover your eyes in that long awaited savasana at the end of class.  

Water is a must. I have a reusable water bottle with me everywhere I go!